7 Eleven Launches Vegan Egg, Chickn’ Sandwiches And More

Convenience store chain 7-Eleven is now carrying plant-based vegan options as it loads up its shelves with plant-based snacks and meat-free alternatives that have the same familiar look and taste people are used to without the cruelty

The 7-Eleven No Chicken and Lettuce Sandwich ($5), 7-Eleven No Egg and Lettuce Sandwich ($5), 7-Eleven No Beef Pie ($4) and 7-Eleven No Sausage Roll ($4) are available nationally in all stores.

Julie Laycock, 7-Eleven Australia’s general manager marketing, said the taste was a key component of product development for the company’s food innovation team.

“We didn’t just want to have plant-based options, we wanted to make sure they were tasty products in their own right,” she said.

“Our team developed these exclusive products with our suppliers, and we’ve done extensive testing with consumers to ensure the new products taste delicious.”

“The convenience of being able to drop into one of our 700+ stores makes it even easier for people looking for vegan-friendly and vegetarian food and those who want to mix plant-based meals into their diet more often.”

Choice is paramount for today’s convenience store, Laycock said.

“While our range includes our traditional meat and animal products, these new products provide more choices for more people. As Australia is one of the fastest-growing plant-based food markets in the world, it’s important to us that we continue to provide tasty, great value products for as many people as possible,” she said.

Laycock said the company is looking to add to the range of plant-based choices across its network.

“We’re continually looking at how we can provide more choice in our range. We’re trialing a soy milk option for coffee in a small number of stores in Victoria.”

Other menu options include a vegan-friendly falafel wrap and in selected stores a  Japanese rice ball, the Teriyaki Mushroom Onigiri.

While Australia has a very meat-centered diet including popular meals like meat pies, roasted lamb, “steak”, barbecue and more things are changing.

Plant-based vegan options are becoming more ubiquitous as veganism spreads throughout the country making Australia the third fastest-growing plant-based food market in the world according to Euromonitor’s report.

An Australian think tank that is focused on alternative proteins named Food Frontier thinks that the countries economy will be boosted by around $3 billion dollars thanks to plant-based vegan meats.

In 2019 Roy Morgan a leading Australian research firm released a report that revealed the numbers of Australians forgoing animal flesh at meals is increasing steadily.

The report found 2.5 million Australians—or 12.1 percent of the population—eat meals that are all “or almost all” vegetarian. This number is up from 2.2 million in 2014.

Another report by Roy Morgan in 2018 that red meat is consumed far less than ever by nearly half the population. The same report also found that cities in Australia contained higher concentrations of vegans, vegetarians, and others who don’t eat “meat” in comparison with those in rural communities.

Companies and small businesses throughout Australia and the world are rushing to meet the exponentially growing demand as the popularity of plant-based and vegan diets grow.

7-Eleven is not alone as Pizza Hut, Subway, Domino’s, and more all continue to add plant-based vegan options in Australia as well as most recently in China.

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